
My hands are finally feeling better.  After going back to the doctor and them telling me there was nothing more traditional medicine could do for me, I finally tried out acupuncture.  It’s slow progress, but it’s still progress.  Last night I spent 3 hours recording music.  Sure, my hands hurt a bit today, but not like they would have normally if I had even been able to pull that off.  And yes, unlike what most people say, acupuncture hurts every time they stick a needle in, sometimes more than others, and sometimes after they pull the needles out they still hurt for a while.  But ever since the nerve conduction study it seems like nothing they can do can hurt that bad.

The other day I wrote the first song I’ve written with words in an awful long time, 3 years perhaps?  No, I haven’t had time to record it yet, and I don’t think it’ll be all that exciting when I do, but with the kickstarter right around the corner, it seems writing music for the frog is more important than ever.  All for now.

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say thanks for all your thoughts and prayers and kind words.  As for an update, my hands are sadly, not better.  But it really helps to know there are so many people who care about what’s going on with me.  I’m trying to do other things to distract me from the pain in my hands.  It doesn’t always work, but I’m getting a lot of dancing done with Dance Central.  The higher difficulty songs on hard are proving a fun challenge.

{March 28, 2012}   A strange bonus

My mysterious hand pain adventure continues, although it’s better than it was.  At the start of the month my hand was hurting 7 days a week 24 hours a day.  It’s still there, but doesn’t seem to wake me up as much as it used to.  I’ve been trying to bury myself in other things, hoping that when I’m through my hands will feel better enough to where I can play again.  No such luck there, but I did read the Hunger Games trilogy, which was really cool, and real page turners.  I really did enjoy the movie, and I’m totally addicted to the Safe & Sound song from Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars.  The harmonies are just wicked cool!

Everyone has started speculating on what Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak will have in it.  I was a little worried about Timber Peak not having a soundtrack.  If things had been better with my hands, I would have considered it, but there was just no way it could happen.  The FANG soundtrack was REALLY hard to complete with my hands deteriorating, which is also why the COPE soundtrack is so short.  But here’s the strange bonus: Any time a new game comes out the first thing to hate on is the soundtrack, hell before people even hear it, they already hate it and want to throw it out the window.  So, I found this on BGG this afternoon:

From Boogalou:

“Hearing music ripped straight from the Atari 2600 always puts me in the mood to kill zombies shake  Personally, I’d rather save $1 on the game and not have to throw the “music” cd straight into the trash this time.
For those of you fortunate enough to have not heard the original “music” cd, here is what you can expect should they release another…
“If you like to play zombie games with dance/techno music then this may be up your alley.” – Steven Robinson (TigerTailz)
“I found the cd that came with the game to be right up there with fingernails on chalkboards ( which sounds great for a horror game, but it’s not)” – Randolph Bookman(shieldwolf )
“Midi sounds which do not set the mood for any horror game, never mind a zombie one.” -Rob Robinson (zombiegod)
“Abysmally bad music presumably performed on a Casio keyboard. I had the misfortune of receiving this in my first edition game that I purchased at Gen Con.” – Jeff Pratt (vladdswrath) “Stupid techno music… Use the soundtrack from 28 Days Later instead, to set the right mood.” – T E (apeekaboo)

Drop the cd and save us a dollar or two.  I want to buy the game, not help someone’s girlfriend buy a new musical keyboard.” 

So good news!  They’ll have to find something else to hate on this time!  I’m sure they’ll find something.  It amazes me how people can claim to love something so much, and yet hate on it so bad.  


{November 22, 2011}   Less than…

I don’t know if this is something every girl experiences at some point in her life, but I have a feeling it’s quite common.  It’s the feeling of being less than your other female counterparts around you, whether it be friend or foe.  I don’t have a lot of girl-friends, living in a man’s world will do that.  Even in school, the two other girls in my major just didn’t talk to me, or anyone.  I’ve never had problems hanging out with guy friends doing seemingly manly things.  Although, I did find The Expendables movie waaaaayy too manly.  I mean, once you’ve shot them twice, do you really have to punch them out and then blow them up?  In any case, I went out last night with two of my girl-friends and had a great time.  We saw the new Twilight, and yes, you can start the jokes here, I’ve probably heard all of them from my manly co-workers.  Now normally, when I’m in a group of girls, I feel like part of me shouldn’t be there, like I’m not up to par, not worthy of hanging out with such people.  But there I was, in the center of two supermodel types, girl-talking away and having a great time.  Sure, to the outside viewer, this small mousy girl, wearing her blue coat that she’s had for ages with a hint of dog slobber on the sleeve hanging out with the high-fashion supermodel types must’ve seemed like I was less than, but for once I wasn’t feeling that that was so.  Realizing that I felt accepted and wanted had me feeling pretty good… until I got slightly chewed this morning by no fault of my own, but life isn’t perfect, and if it was, there would never be any songs or art at all.  Unfortunately, it’s the ups and downs that makes us feel, and makes us who we are.

{November 13, 2011}   Not sure I should be blogging.

My hands have been hurting me for quite some time, but most recently my right hand has gotten worse and worse.  I’ve been to several doctors and haven’t found much relief as of yet.  My latest endeavor having to deal with a rheumatologist who won’t see me because I have fibromyalgia.  I come to find out this isn’t just him, some doctors just won’t see you if you have fibromyalgia.  My next step is a neurologist, hopefully he doesn’t have the same attitude.

I find that I miss music so much, having not played since completing the Fortune and Glory soundtrack.  It’s not something I can turn off, it’s just there, all the time.  I noticed the other day I was holding my toothbrush like a violin bow.  Sad.


et cetera