
{March 28, 2012}   A strange bonus

My mysterious hand pain adventure continues, although it’s better than it was.  At the start of the month my hand was hurting 7 days a week 24 hours a day.  It’s still there, but doesn’t seem to wake me up as much as it used to.  I’ve been trying to bury myself in other things, hoping that when I’m through my hands will feel better enough to where I can play again.  No such luck there, but I did read the Hunger Games trilogy, which was really cool, and real page turners.  I really did enjoy the movie, and I’m totally addicted to the Safe & Sound song from Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars.  The harmonies are just wicked cool!

Everyone has started speculating on what Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak will have in it.  I was a little worried about Timber Peak not having a soundtrack.  If things had been better with my hands, I would have considered it, but there was just no way it could happen.  The FANG soundtrack was REALLY hard to complete with my hands deteriorating, which is also why the COPE soundtrack is so short.  But here’s the strange bonus: Any time a new game comes out the first thing to hate on is the soundtrack, hell before people even hear it, they already hate it and want to throw it out the window.  So, I found this on BGG this afternoon:

From Boogalou:

“Hearing music ripped straight from the Atari 2600 always puts me in the mood to kill zombies shake  Personally, I’d rather save $1 on the game and not have to throw the “music” cd straight into the trash this time.
For those of you fortunate enough to have not heard the original “music” cd, here is what you can expect should they release another…
“If you like to play zombie games with dance/techno music then this may be up your alley.” – Steven Robinson (TigerTailz)
“I found the cd that came with the game to be right up there with fingernails on chalkboards ( which sounds great for a horror game, but it’s not)” – Randolph Bookman(shieldwolf )
“Midi sounds which do not set the mood for any horror game, never mind a zombie one.” -Rob Robinson (zombiegod)
“Abysmally bad music presumably performed on a Casio keyboard. I had the misfortune of receiving this in my first edition game that I purchased at Gen Con.” – Jeff Pratt (vladdswrath) “Stupid techno music… Use the soundtrack from 28 Days Later instead, to set the right mood.” – T E (apeekaboo)

Drop the cd and save us a dollar or two.  I want to buy the game, not help someone’s girlfriend buy a new musical keyboard.” 

So good news!  They’ll have to find something else to hate on this time!  I’m sure they’ll find something.  It amazes me how people can claim to love something so much, and yet hate on it so bad.  


et cetera