
{November 22, 2011}   Less than…

I don’t know if this is something every girl experiences at some point in her life, but I have a feeling it’s quite common.  It’s the feeling of being less than your other female counterparts around you, whether it be friend or foe.  I don’t have a lot of girl-friends, living in a man’s world will do that.  Even in school, the two other girls in my major just didn’t talk to me, or anyone.  I’ve never had problems hanging out with guy friends doing seemingly manly things.  Although, I did find The Expendables movie waaaaayy too manly.  I mean, once you’ve shot them twice, do you really have to punch them out and then blow them up?  In any case, I went out last night with two of my girl-friends and had a great time.  We saw the new Twilight, and yes, you can start the jokes here, I’ve probably heard all of them from my manly co-workers.  Now normally, when I’m in a group of girls, I feel like part of me shouldn’t be there, like I’m not up to par, not worthy of hanging out with such people.  But there I was, in the center of two supermodel types, girl-talking away and having a great time.  Sure, to the outside viewer, this small mousy girl, wearing her blue coat that she’s had for ages with a hint of dog slobber on the sleeve hanging out with the high-fashion supermodel types must’ve seemed like I was less than, but for once I wasn’t feeling that that was so.  Realizing that I felt accepted and wanted had me feeling pretty good… until I got slightly chewed this morning by no fault of my own, but life isn’t perfect, and if it was, there would never be any songs or art at all.  Unfortunately, it’s the ups and downs that makes us feel, and makes us who we are.

Nice post. I wish there were more ups and less downs. But I suppose the art would not be as good. 😉

Lyn Magallanes says:

I know what you mean. I have trouble hanging out with people other than my family. It makes me nervous.

Christina says:

From my eye’s, I am surrounded by this all the time. Of course I could say you were cool and likeable – would you believe that it was true? You have such a warm spirit, you create beautiful music and your vocals are tops – You – Less than??? Really? To me, I smile because what you say is true – every girl feels as though they are ‘less than’ at some point in their lives, some more than others. Thanks for sharing – I look forward to your next post.

Tom says:

I’ll have you know you are one of the most kind hearted, fun, gentle spirited and beautiful women I know. Any feelings of Inadequacy or not measuring up is sheer silly thinking. Admittedly I am a guy, but I have always been a fan. I am privledged to be your friend.

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